Excellent stuff. We are retard faggots in comparison to the men of just a few generations before. Every time someone comments on how well-edumacated I am, it just elicits a bitter laugh on my part. I know just how ignorant I am, compared to how I could have been. We were all deliberately lobotomized. School was an axe to the neocortex.

The cult of self-improvement is a necessary corrective to the prevailing cult of self-indulgence. At the very least it establishes a vector. At the same time, as you say - this is a war. Soldiers do not train for the sake of training, but to make themselves better weapons in the fight. We must never lose sight of that.

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Feb 25, 2023Liked by Andrew

You are right this is going to be a struggle stretching on for multiple generations. There will be no “mass-awakening” overnight like some people prophesies - it will be more like us planting seeds throughout the world and watching them take root and slowly grow as we get old and decrepit; leaving what we started for our children to continue building on.

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Start by actually planting seeds!

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This will be my pre-workout but for life. Great read.

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Great read. And well said especially on the part where working out, reading old books, thinking clearly and critically without ideological or NPC-addled cant, making money -- these things that are now being trumpeted as making you a "based Chad" or "Alfa male" are literally just things that put you firmly in the realm of average as recently as 20-30 years ago.

Not a blackpill meant to say there is no point or merit in doing all those things. By all means they are valuable and necessary. But once you are going to the gym, reasonably fit and employed, got your mind right, understand you have only just restored yourself to the baseline. Don't let up. We gotta go nonstop from there.

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Feb 25, 2023Liked by Andrew

These might come handy to tackle the education department


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It’s good to understand how bad things are. Realizing that there is true evil in the world which needs to be fought can give your life purpose.

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Amazing read g

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this is really where we are . great read https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/whitney-plan-wreck-america

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