I do agree.

There probably are already several groups and counter-elites who are taking slow steps to power in their own plans, but that’s irrelevant to the average modern person who still wants to make a difference, we still have to do the best we can in our own lives and seek to make this world better by our individual actions, confused about where to start? Go to the gym and learn to lift and boxe, join a hunting or fishing club, go to church and help people, in short: engage with the world and slowly, if you do that constantly and willingly you’ll end up rubbing shoulders with someone who’s on more or less the same situation you’re in, befriend those kinds of people, and then with their help you’ll be able to get even more done, and from there you’ll keep building connections, of course these connections aren’t the end in itself, the end in itself should be a number of goals set at the restoration of your society at the appropriate level of influence you will obtain: neighborhood, municipality, district, region, state and so on and so forth, it is by rebuilding these bonds and connections that were so common and healthy in past states that you will find the means by which you can enact greater positive change in the world, obviously this isn’t a guarantee or a sure formula: just some ideas to get you started.

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I agree; a great ethos. I’ve been thinking a lot about the personal responsibility each Christian has to act when faced with such evil.

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Well done.

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I really liked how you used the question ,"Where is the horse, where is the rider?". Good job. 🌝

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The 1950s were a much better time in almost every quantifiable way.

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Save for the racism and sexism, yeah.

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Please review your history more closely. MUCH more closely. This is a canned response you were handed by others; you should be asking yourself who taught you this erroneous information and why it served their purpose to teach it to you.

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I'm on a tight timeline at the moment, but one of my major interests is reflected in my novel Venison, of which I post chapters regularly.

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Perhaps God will release the Archangel Michael to beat back the archons

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I agree the only thing I'd change or challenge is that this is an individualistic age and whenever men have acted it is as a group. A man needs to be buttressed and developed by other men with similar goals, hopes and aspirations. I read Steven Pressfield's Gates of Fire recently and there was one passage from it that hit me like lightning:

"Listen to me, boy. Only gods and heroes can be brave in isolation. A man may call upon courage only one way, in the ranks with his brothers-in-arms, the line of his tribe and his city. Most piteous of all states under heaven is that of a man alone, bereft of the gods of his home and his polis. A man without a city is not a man. He is a shadow, a shell, a joke and a mockery. That is what you have become now, my poor Xeo. No one may expect valor from one cast out alone, cut off from the gods of his home."

This is an age where the overwhelming majority of us exist without a city. Perhaps the first thing to do is join or found one.

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Stand up and fight

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What is the Quest which subscribers support?

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Poetic license... (you can support me putting in the time to write here)

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