Aug 6·edited Aug 8Liked by The Saxon Cross

"England is actively occupied by Mordor itself, orcs running rampant and witch-kings sitting in power".

But sometimes it takes just a single event for paradigms to fall.

* One U.S. Presidential debate, and the blind peons suddenly see the Emperor has no clothes.

* One attempted assassination and people realise the Left that champions tolerance and democracy is a murderous thug, concerned only with retaining power for power's sake.

* One Olympics Opening Ceremony finally opens the world's eyes to the depravity of the LGBTQ agenda and the lie that there is pride in sexual deviance.

* One illegal immigrant attack reveals the abject failure of importing hordes of people who share no common ground with the host country and its citizens.

Berlin Walls are toppling at an accelerated pace, in real time.

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"There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen."

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Aug 6·edited Aug 6Liked by The Saxon Cross

Many of our Western countries are seeing this, to varying degrees.

All our governments have been infiltrated and captured by the liberal/globalists and now they are ushering in small jihads, in their respective fiefdoms.

The citizenry of these countries have slept walk themselves to this destruction, in their ignorance, apathy, laziness and disengagement in all things governance. They have allowed the corruption to fester and spread in their "rulers" to the point of oppression and being supplanted by immigrant interlopers. Make no mistake - the commoners allowed this.

For decades and centuries, the infighting between contrived groups kept us distracted and oblivious to the government takeover, by these liberal/globalists. No one noticed or cared.

It took for the British, Irish and Scotts to understand they are in the same boat. One that is sinking because it's being attacked form without and within. All the differences you were sold no longer matter, in the face of this new and larger threat.

So what to do?

I've made this suggestion in several other places and think it has merit, if the commoners have the courage to try it, because it requires sacrifice and discomfort.

The easy parts:

- Organize. This is imperative, for the purposes of communication and support. You will need to know where "safe houses" are to shelter in, if confronted with a mob, because you aren't going to fight it our with 30 jihadists, with your wife and child in tow. Be smart and organize into neighborhood groups, that not only keep watch, but provide shelter when needed.

- Protect yourself and your families. Do not go out alone or unarmed. Groups of 3 or 4 are advisable and make sure you tell others where you're are going, the route you will take and the sheltering places in the vicinity.

- Seek out lawyers/barristers who are sympathetic to your cause, before you need them. Have conversations, as to the legality of defending yourselves, families, homes and neighborhoods, so you are prepared for what comes after an incident.

- Make arrangements for your families welfare, if you're incarcerated or killed. You do not want to leave them to face the mayhem alone or unsupported/unprotected.

The hard part: You'll see why I say this is the hard part in a second. This part will take organization not just between neighbors and across neighborhoods, but towns and cities. This only works if you have large numbers, moving in unison.

- Shutdown your respective countries, by opting out.

The managerial and ruling class have neither the working ability/knowledge or numbers, to run the infrastructure of the towns and cities they lord over, much less the entire country. Bring things to a standstill and they will have to meet demands. Be warned though, this will be a game of chicken and they will play it to the very end. So, the organization among the commoners is going to be key. Because, if you play this game and lose, you will be weaker than when you started.

Here is the hard part and is obvious, when you start considering this option. You will suffer in the shutdown. If we all opt out, that means no department of works services, no gas, no trash pick-up, no stores open or anything. Everyone opts out and everything shuts down. Are you ready to put aside your individual wants and needs, in order to ensure that there are no roaming rape gangs or street mobs hunting native citizens?? Are you ready to make things so bad in your country, that the ruling class turns on itself and ousts the globalists infiltrators voluntarily?

The revolts in the streets won't fix this, because those who ushered it in will still be in power, while and after you've been jailed. In order for this to stop, you need to clean house and then elect non-liberal, populists, who put your respective countries and cultures first and foremost.

This is where the rubber meets the road. How bad do you want your country back??

Now I'm not saying street protest or even revolts, at some point, are wrong or not an eventuality - history is replete with them - but there is another option, before those extremes. One where the citizenry actually has to take responsibility and pay a price, to get what they want. This is not a new concept, the Plebeians used it in ancient Rome, to gain a measure of equality.


One thing is sure, this infiltration and dilution of your countries and cultures will not stop. The ruling class could care less if their game pieces look like native Irish, English, German, Swedish, Spanish, Italian people or 3rd world immigrants. In fact they prefer the immigrants, because they are cheaper and easier to manipulate - through their lower daily expectations.

No matter what path is followed, understand that until you remove the liberal/globalists from your governments and replace them with national populists, this will happen repeatedly. Lastly, do not forget the new ties that are being formed, where English and Irish people are marching side by side. This should show you that people in a given area, with a shared heritage, are basically the same and want the same things for themselves and their families. It is those in power, that splinter you and use those shards against you, in order to gain power and wealth, as they actively destroy your societies and countries.

Lincolns' declaration that "a house divided against itself cannot stand” is a timeless truth and is relevant in every issue we are living with today. The globalists understand this all too well and have used it to great effect - just look around you and ask, "what allowed the mayhem and destruction that is happening in the world today?"

They successfully divided the people, and turned them against themselves.

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“So England’s children long fight on,

For nobler realms of old they yearn,

They sing of Western days long gone,

Till Alfred from his mound returns,

Till Arthur wakes, or Logres burns.”

Is this your composition? I swear I’ve heard it before

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Yes it's mine

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Aug 6Liked by The Saxon Cross

It’s very good

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Was with you until you counseled them to sit at home and patiently wait for justice. "Form a neighborhood watch and Vote Hard." Typical insipid reaction to evil. Evil won't stop until there's a consequence for being it.

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Aug 6·edited Aug 6Author

As opposed to what? these riots are not a real revolution or any sort of organized effort, not yet at least. It's mostly low-class chavs looting and looking for a fight. You can't be overly romantic about this kind of thing. You want a "consequence" to evil? That's great- poorly conceived rioting won't get you that.

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"As opposed to what?" I agree, that's the big question. We need real power, and we need it soon.

I think rioting is much more effective than you think. It's working great for the Muslims - They hack people up and burn stuff down if somebody blasphemes Mohammed, and guess what, Mohammed doesn't get blasphemed. We Westerners need to rekindle our angry gut reaction to evil. At 1.4k+ raped children, I'd say you've more than met the threshold.

Thank you for writing the essay. Very thought-provoking, and your poetry is amazing.

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Aug 6·edited Aug 6Author

Well the threshold has definitely been crossed, without a doubt, that was really the point of this whole post.

Maybe I was not clear enough but this post in not anti-violence, I'm just anti-stupidity. I would actually support the riots more were they bigger, more organized, with targeted violence directed at the right people rather than senseless hooliganism

Under the current circumstances, with sword-wielding muslim gangs roving the streets, a call to "setting a neighborhood watch" was not a call to non-violence, quite the opposite

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Amen to that. If the riots were outside the houses and in the gardens of the scumbags who let this happen we'd see real results.

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The religion of taking the piss can freely purloin the urine because they are permitted to do so without consequence. Anyone else will feel the 'full farce of the lawfare" if they attempt to do likewise.

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So then the rest of the population needs to join the brave "low-class chavs" and not bow down like fucking pussies. Poorly conceived rioting has a better chance of evolving into full revolution than doing nothing and voting harder. Time to wake the fuck up.

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"doing nothing and voting harder" is not at all what I said. These sort of emotional responses are exactly what will lead to nothing happening in the end

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Is there any point at which you would advocate violent revolution and, if so, what would those circumstances look like?

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You cant riot your way out of this.

You tried that twice in the past, it doesnt last. Albeit the second time you made the point that government had best understand its limits if it knows whats good for it.

The only way to “win” is by education. And that means self education.

What are your books? What are your stories? What are your poems? Who exactly are your heroes? Are your heroes establishment heroes, aka traitors and retards, or are your heroes men that get hunted by the establishment?

In my homeland I am seeing this play out in real time. We could utterly crush our enemies in moments, but half of us are reading books about how to be a globalist victim, and the other half are reading the stories of when we walked like warrior prophets singing the word of God to humanity.

Your books are your battleships, your poems are your tanks, the letters are your missiles, the emotions are the flames.

Whose books are your men reading?

You must become hard. You must become demanding. You must castigate your warriors as traitors when they read the words of The Enemy. And you must call them cowards and sabatuers when they do not read the works of your People.

If a soldier refused to load ammunition into the cannon what would you call him?!

What do you call a warrior that lets his rifles and sword become rusty? That refuses to bring ammunition into combat?

How is not reading the Great Works of your People any different?!

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Bad advice. The moment they go home is the moment the secret police come after them. I hope they ignore voices calling for surrender.

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Aug 7Liked by The Saxon Cross

I agree with your assessment. In the age of constant surveillance it’s near impossible to organize anything without being watched. There needs to be an underground network of communication (back to landlines maybe?) organized movements, asymmetrical warfare tactics. The first step is recognizing the enemy.

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Carrier pigeons or ravens (kinda joking but not really)…otherwise they'll always get wind of any planning or organizing. Phones and tech off…eyes and ears are everywhere. They did away with landlines where I am. CB and Ham radio is becoming popular.

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That’s right. I also later remembered hearing about Erik Prince’s new “untraceable” phones. Unplugged I think they’re called.

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Aug 6Liked by The Saxon Cross

Could I ask you to please contact me via the chat function?

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Well you can look to South Africa as a model for how to survive as you become a minority in your fatherland. Will rioting work to undo the madness? No. Will peacefully protesting? No. Will voting harder? No. Will engaging in local politics? No. They have you between a rock and a hard place. You cannot play a long game because they are replacing you at a rate too fast for it to work. There is no easy answer, and I’m afraid the best answer looks something like Afghanistan during the GWOT but that requires a level of courage, organization, and know-how in short supply in the West.

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This is reminiscent of how the Troubles started. Catholics received two-tier policing and had to fight for civil rights. Some decided to rekindle the IRA as the Provisional IRA and off it went. When the police allowed Loyalist gangs to burn people out of their homes, to harass and beat people you eventually got a backlash.

As I’ve said in other places you do not want an English Loyalist group but you will get one if this continues. Starmer gave a free pass to Muslim groups with his nonsense. Now the hope is many Muslims will not be engaging in anything but trying to get everyone back to normal. But you have these gangs of louts feeling empowered and their idiocy and bravado isn’t going to end how they think.

When the IRA was around many Catholics in working class estates just kept their heads down. It took decades for it to burn through and that was only after Canary Wharf and the panic by those in Westminster. Most English will look the other way.

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The answer is war with bullets, toppling the evil regime and expelling the murderous foreigners

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The only thing the Left understands is violence. Continuing to "organize" and letting our children and wives be raped and murdered and doing nothing is not a solution. Cowardice is what got us here. Better to die like a man on your feet than be slaughtered like a coward on your knees.

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You didn’t read the post very well

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Yes I did. I just disagree with your advice. Now is the time. Waiting will only let things get worse.

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This does not end until Jewish pogroms and expelling Jews to Poland/Russian Pale. Jews opened the gates to Spanish cities as the Muslims approached in the 12th Century. Nothing new under the Sun. Punishing parasite Jews is a natural as warfare itself.

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Keir Starmer has not even called the families of the murdered girls. Evil and soulless.

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The Beginnings, Rudyard Kipling

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Is 2020 so long ago? What happened in 2020? Well that’s when nearly half the world’s population looked down between their legs and discovered they had a vagina.

How many pure bloods, un-jabbed here in the states? 10-15%. Who’s the most un-jabbed? Deep South. Hmmm any coincidence that’s where most of our Negroes live? They knew from experience not to trust some “warp-speed” whitey shit cure.

England’s even worse! What are they 90-95% jabbed? And you’re gonna draw your revolutionary army from these pussy-whipped wankers?

Listen I’ve done my 23andMe and I’m 99.8% white with most of my heritage coming from that God forsaken island and I’m here to tell the world would be a better place without Britainistan.

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No, wrong.

“things won’t be fixed by rioting in the streets.”


You’re telling them calm down when they need to keep going until the end.

Run for office? 🤣

Neighborhood watch?

They’ve been watching long enough.

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Not what I said at all. The opposite, really. Don't be a LARPer

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