Powerful stuff. This is really, truly excellent writing.

On the Piscean age, there's some debate over exactly when it will end, or ended. However, the labile nature of our time, the fluid property that mythos and spirit have taken on, the dissolving of unifying frameworks into a scintillating myriad of niche ideologies and weird cults, and the blending of science and spirituality ... these are all profoundly Aquarian in character.

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We are certainly in the transitory period

It seems if you study history that in the transitory periods, the spirits of both ages rise in potency and battle it out before the next age fully begins

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A last hurrah before the transition, yes. I believe that is what we're seeing with the shitlib prog secular heresy. A final burst of desperate fanaticism in futile struggle against the inevitable.

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Yes, and then there’s another angle in which both sides are actually gunning for the coming of the new age

Each side just has a radically different idea of what the Messiah will be

But the fact remains that the central belief of both Christians and the WEF is the coming of the saviour and a utopian new age

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Christ vs Antichrist.

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That's why it's the perfect time for all of us to meditate, dance, sing, paint, and get deeper into our work, by forging the metal of our soul only will our spirit slice the oncoming bullshit of 2024.

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Aquarius is the water bearer. JMG thinks the Piscean ended in about 1874, or about the time industrialism truly started taking off.

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Clif high has been saying that too; also thinks the Kali Yuga ended around the 17th century.

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Though most disagree about what it means, everyone with any kind of spiritual sense seems to feel deeply in their bones that the atmosphere around us is turbocharged in a cataclysmic way, like the moment when everyone's hair is standing on end just before a powerful lightning strike. Your essay perfectly captures the zeitgeist of this historical moment! We've been in the eye of the hurricane these past few decades, but the tempest has returned.

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I share your foreboding. The number of full-of-shit people in the West (thanks to decades of its 'higher education' sheep dip) now runs in the tens of millions. How does Western civilisation recover from its consequent age of self-absorption and hyperbolic liberalism? It doesn't. Liberal individualism was great for most of its three-century-long trajectory. But it always carried the seeds of its own demise .....and now its day is done. All civilisations eventually fail; this is how ours does. https://grahamcunningham.substack.com/p/invasion-of-the-virtue-signallers

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Insightful article. Thank you. Satan is a spirit. He is not subject to time as we are. He rebirths himself in every age, but the vestiges of his presence are remarkably consistent throughout the generations: kill babies, destroy innocence, shred marriage, dismantle families, pervert culture, invert human sexuality. I could go on. Yet, people are remarkably obtuse about these realities and blind to their causes. Only those with authentic Christian faith see these things for what they are: spirits of wickedness in high places. Christ's Light makes them clear to minds that are given over to Him.

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It seems to me the central bankers are on the side of Moloch and Baal.

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I have to tell you, I was blown away by this article. It is so well written and cuts right to the heart of what is happening in the world. I admire you for your insight and perspective and can’t thank you enough for sharing your thoughts. This is something that we need to be talking about more often - thank you for sparking an interest to dive deeper into the core truths of our culture.

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“Nothing ever happens” gang wya???

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Thanks for highlighting the religious nature of the covid rituals. I've been frustrated since they started pushing masks about the lack of commentary on the (idolatrous) religious aspect of the scamdemic protocols. It's shocking that a robust argument against it all on first amendment grounds (prohibition of state established religion) never materialized.

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Not choosing a side is the path of the hermit - and the one who has the ultimate power of being able to always decide which side he may or may not choose. Like Switzerland. Love your writing. Back to Ararat, and may Crom crush the false powers of 5g towers.

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I need help on some of the terms.

Solarsphere? What is this and who are the big names I can look up?

DR Political sphere...I feel Like I know what DR means but it escapes me.

The rest I know.

Also, great write up. I laughed about your remark about growing up in a boring age. I actually bemoaned to God in my younger days why did I have to live in such boring times. So I'll accept blame for why everything is popping off now.

Not sure if we are heading into the real end, or just a dress rehearsal of it, but either way it is far better to look forward to the battle rather than weep and despair at the loss of the false peace.

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Solarsphere was a Twitter and Instagram community based on self-improvement, optimizing health and nutrition, primal living, breaking out of the matrix, etc. Best characterized by accounts like SolBrah.

DR stands for dissident right political commentators

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Thank you.

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I don't know what any of those acronyms mean but I can feel that you are very right.

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Things are definitely coming to a head. God indeed help us all.

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You know I was kind of going to disagree with you there but then I realized something. All those beliefs in things like the American idea, freedom, and "don't tread on me" might not be a religion, but they are an idea, a creed, an identity. Those are powerful forces themselves that have shaped the world just as much as religion. As for atheist religious, you need look no further than the strange stuff coming out of Revolutionary France, just about any of the strange stuff with the Nazis, or even Soviet propaganda imagery. Maybe all lot of this just has to do with how everything in the world feels so damn artificial these days?

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Thank you. Resonates with all that is in our hearts and souls.

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Any BAP posters want to burn down my HOA

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My HOA needs to be BAPed too

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I have apparently had this open in a tab on my laptop for almost a year since I found it. Yet I do not lament that fact, because this is as relevant and true now as it was then, maybe more so.

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Personal opinion - all religions are cults to a certain extent. Worshiping some nonperson person because you think you're going to be saved is crazy pants.

This was an interesting read, thanks for sharing!

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