In analogy with a black mass, it isn't the symbolic inversion that makes it satanic, which is mere symbolism after all. It's that the spiritual essence of the ritual is the desecration of the sacred.

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A large part of the attraction is the feeling of empowerment via blasphemy, of demonstrating power by breaking a taboo or undertaking an act of performative transgression.

Violation via wokecraft is the ritual enactment of malice. It makes sense because we live in a post-religious, post-traditional, society where the only sacred rites are found in infotainment. But the need for veneration/enchantment persists, as does the need (felt by some) for blasphemy.

The psychoaffective payoff is pleasure at the disappointment of others.

Underlying all else is envy. The woke are ironic creatives...they mostly lack the ability to create, so they have to appropriate and establish ownership over the creative output of others. This is then degraded so as to demonstrate ownership and to demoralise others.

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And what they did to Star Wars.... especially to Luke Skywalker.

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You can say the same thing regarding the push by the usual suspects for "female space marines" in 40k.

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Brilliant analysis!

You're 100% correct about this. The people using/inserting minority characters don't care about minorites.

It's just like tearing down the statues with Civil War generals atop. Most people don't even know who those people are -- until someone comes around and demands to have them torn down.

It isn't even about the Civil War, or the generals either -- the idea is to erase history. Make younger generations forget that there was a Civil War, and that people fought to free the slaves. That goes against the America is evil narrative. And the people trying to demoralize the US populace can't have reality effing up their goals.

Those productions bombed for the exact reason you listed. Because it's obvious what they are trying to do, and it's insulting to people who understand what the stories are about.

It's the same with comics now, where they make the characters gay. Or, damn near every Netflix production where there MUST be at least one or two gay characters -- especially if the original story excluded such things.

How long will it be before we see a major production where they cast Jesus as a woman?

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I rarely if ever watch a re-make of anything, especially not of a beloved original. Justice is rarely done. Most mainstream entertainment after the 80's is unmitigated propaganda over-seasoned with tripe, drivel and cliches. Wastes of time and money. I'd like to see Hollywood become a ghost town and all its inhabitants reduced to joining their brethren on the city streets of San Francisco.

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I think a useful contrast might be drawn between Jackson's LotR series and the HBO Game of Thrones adaptation that would help prove your point quite well. In both cases, the source material was adapted to a different medium, and in both cases, the adapters were generally faithful to the spirit of the material. The changes that were made were, for the most part, changes necessary to make the transition from print to film effectively. The Council of Elrond makes for rather compelling reading, but it would be dreadfully dull on film. It's basically just a dozen guys talking for, what, an hour? More? Works in a romance, not in a movie. Etc. Likewise, the guys who made Game of Thrones cut out a lot of material, combined and modified characters, etc., but largely to good effect. They cared about the source material, and it showed.

The consensus is that Game of Thrones tanked in its last few seasons, particularly the last one. I never finished the show, but I think that's well established. But the reason it tanked doesn't have anything to do with "wokeness," "diversity casting," or anything like that. It's just that the showrunners ran out of source material--finished the damned books, GRRM!--and didn't have the chops to land the thing successfully. I'm confident that GRRM will do a better job of it, assuming he ever gets around to finishing it, one can already see various plot points being foreshadowed, twists being loaded, etc., in ways that have the potential to pay off quite well. But the showrunners, lacking the benefit of that talent, had to make do with only a high-level plot arc. Couldn't pull it off.

But the consensus is that GoT only tanked in its last few seasons! The first few seasons are still widely regarded as satisfactory. It really was just a failure of storytelling. Contrast this with Amazon's RoP, which was conceived in genuine hate for the source material and dedicated to the proposition of GFY.

It really does make a difference.

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Yup. The foundations of western civilization are being attacked from more than just political angles. People severely underestimate the long-term effectiveness of this type of ideological subversion. As Mike from Redlettermedia would put it; "You may not have noticed it, but your brain did".

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Really well-put. It's not about the small changes; it's all about whether they loved the original novels. I did not watch Rings of Profit past the trailer but after reading a summary it seems like they did everything to purposely subvert Professor Tolkien's book. Making classic European characters African and kind characters cruel is not an accident of bad casting and bad writing; it's a choice.

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On. Point.

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Very insightful!

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So true king, the best way to understand modern media

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Amen brother

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This is why I write to create what I create, though my wish c'est to impart to the French & Scots a mythologie to themselves, as my loyalty is to them.

That said, as a long-standing lover of Tolkien's literature the attacks against him are insulting.

As a Tolkien-tuber though, it is more than disgusting to notice my peers such as Nerd of the Ring heap bloody praise on this monstrosity. I hate his channel, yet all of us lesser Tolkien-tubers are expected to pay homage to him despite him being a snob and gaslighting us smaller creatives.

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Exactly correct.

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You nailed it.

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